How to explain things

September 23, 2024 (3mo ago)

I absolutely adore explaining hard concepts to people; it is super fun to have to build their knowledge from the ground up and eventually get them to a point where they understand a complex system entirely.

An example of this would be explaining the rules of a card game to a friend. It is a pretty infamous joke that nobody likes the experience of having a new card game explained to them, there is always a wave of words, little explanation, a lot of starting over from the top, and eventually this ends in "you will get it once we start playing".

But I always relish the opportunity to be able to explain something to a friend, and I have been told I have a knack for it so here are some general tips:

The basic framework is to explain concepts, then link them together. Repeat until all concepts are covered and integrated into the listener's internal model of how things relate together.

Go slow, and be clear.

Good luck.